General History of North Queensferry
A Potted History of the Village
Civic History
Chapel of St James
Village Church
War Memorial
Railway Station
Welldean Catch Points
Admiralty House (St Margaret’s Hope)
Golf Course
Quarrying at the Ferry
Curling in North Queensferry
The Duel Stone
Military and Naval History
North Queensferry’s location at the narrowest point on the Firth of Forth has made it a convergence point for travellers by land and sea over many centuries. As well as pilgrims, merchants, tradesmen and tourists, the relatively small area of North Queensferry peninsula has attracted military, naval and aviation attention through the centuries creating a legacy of what is arguably a disproportionate number of military sites and activities.
The Military History of North Queensferry spans the centuries from pre-Cromwellian gun batteries to WWII Barrage Balloons.
The Queensferry Passage
Around 1070, Queen Margaret of Scotland bequeathed the income from a tract of land to provide free passage to pilgrims travelling North to Dunfermline and St Andrews, and thus she gave the name of Queensferry to the passage and the towns on either shore.
In the following centuries, there were many attempts to regulate and control the crossing, with the local boatmen jealously guarding the rights that they were granted.
There were also many attempts to create a dry crossing via tunnels and bridges. Direct competition from the Railways eventually arrived when Forth Bridge was completed in 1890, but the ferry service only ceased when the Forth Bridge was opened in 1964.
Here is the full story of The Queensferry Passage
On-line Exhibitions
The Trust runs regular exhibitions in the Waiting room at the Station Here are archive copies of material from some previous exhibitions.
Famous Artists in North Queensferry
Steaming Forth . . . The Joy of Steam
1918 – Fleet Surrender Exhibition
Miscellaneous Items
Ferry Yarns – audio recordings
OS maps of the peninsula from 1855 to the present
North Queensferry Census Records from 1841 to 1921
A Library of Reference Material about the Trust and the Village