A Gimmer is a female sheep, which has not yet lambed.
Grazing rights over the golf course had been a valuable source of income from the inception of the course.
For example, here is a quote from the Club minutes in 1917
. . . The Secretary submitted an offer by Mr William Watts the present tenant of the Grazings to take the Grazings for session 1917 at the rent of £60, and to supply a horse when required, free of charge, for the purpose of cutting the grass.
The Secretary stated that while that was the only written offer he had received for the Grazings, Mr Sam Mitchell formerly of Backmarch and now of Kirkton, Auchtertool, had phoned him that he was sending in an offer of £70.
The Secretary was instructed to say to the present tenant that if he desired to take the Grazings he would require to increase his offer to £70 and to give the use of a horse free of charge and to accept of such an offer from the present tenant if the latter was willing to make it.
The course continued to be used for grazing after the Ferryhills Club was wound up in 1940.
Courier and Advertiser Dundee, Thursday September 23, 1943.
Dundee, Thursday, September 23, 1943.
Milnathorth Auction Market – Tuesday Sept. 28, at 11 a.m. – MILNATHORT ANNUAL SPECIAL SALE of 40 Border Leicester and Suffolk Rams and Ram Lambs; 2000 Blackface, Cross and Half-Bred Ewes and Gimmers, including a consignment of 150 Cross Gimmers from Mr Sam Mitchell off Ferryhills Golf Course; 1250 Cross, Half-Bred and Blackface Lambs, comprising a good selection in the different classes.
So the travelling flock that is sometimes seen in the field next to the reservoir is carrying on a tradition that has been around for at least a century until the present day.