1918 – Navy Cups
< 1917 – Food rationing | Δ Index | 1920 – Club handbook > |
At the end of the war both the Royal Navy and US Navy presented the club with Trophy Cups in thanks for the hospitality they had received.
As he donated the Grand Fleet Cup, Vice-Admiral Leveson jested: “Plagiarising a well-known remark, it might be said that the great surrender in the Forth was won on the golf courses round the Forth.”
H.M.S. “Royal Oak”
c/o Naval Post Office “B”
19th November 1918
Dear Sir.
The Officers of the Grand Fleet have expressed a wish to present some memento to the local Golf Clubs to show their great appreciation of the kindness of the members in placing their courses at the disposal of the fleet.
It has been suggested at a meeting of golf representatives of the fleet that the memento should either take the form of a trophy to be competed for by all clubs concerned, or also a separate trophy for each individual club, to be played for as arranged by the members.
I should be very glad if you would give me the views of the members of your club as to the form of trophy they would prefer, as soon as possible.
Yours Faithfully
(Signed) P. Maclachlan
Captain R. N.
Hon Secretary Golf Memento Committee.
U.S.S. New York
c/o G.P.O. Edinburgh
Sep 9th 1918
Mr William Reid
Hon. Secretary & Treasurer
Dunfermline Golf Club
1 Douglas Street
My Dear Mr Reid
On behalf of the Admiral and the other golfers of the Sixth Battle Squadron, Grand Fleet, I am turning over to you a cup which they desire to present to your golf Club as a slight token of their appreciation for all the courtesies that have been shown us by the Club and all its members. We have all enjoyed the privileges of the Club house and excellent course greatly, and take this means of thanking you all.
Due to the present uncertainty of our movements, I am taking the cup ashore at the first opportunity, and hope that I will find you at the Club House; failing, I will give it to Mr Shanks for safe keeping, and when convenient for you, hope that you will receive it for your president and members.
I should like very much to present it personally at an informal meeting of your members and other golfers, but I am sure you will understand how the matter lies.
Please give my Personal regards to your Hon. President, and Captain, and the other members of your Club, whom I had the great pleasure of meeting on board the U.S.S. New York some time ago.
Very Sincerely
(Signed) A. S. Pickhardt,
Lieut. U. S. Navy
Squadron Golf Representative
At the end of the war, the club concentrated on restoring the course, and rebuilding membership, publishing a glossy handbook in 1920.
< 1917 – Food rationing | Δ Index | 1920 – Club handbook > |