Anti-invasion defences – Dunbar

< Blackness Castle Δ Index Gullane / Aberlady >

The defences at Dunbar covered the beaches to the west of the town, in the area of dunes known as West Barns Links.

Two ‘redoubts’ were built at the west (‘Tyneside’, overlooking Belhaven Bay) and the east (‘Bielside’).

Between the two the coastline was defended by discontinuous firing trenches and barbed wire entanglements, incorporating four machine-gun emplacements.

The coastal firing trench was reached by a long communication trench towards the south-west.

A ‘defensible wall’ along the northern boundary of Hedderwick Hill race-course provided a second line of defence. Allan Kilpatrick (pers comm) reports that some trenches are extant.

This area was defended again in 1940–1.

The defences west of Dunbar

< Blackness Castle Δ Index Gullane / Aberlady >